5. Get popular

About links.
Get popular by receiving lots of votes cast by links pointing to your site.
Quality links are from popular and relevant sites with not too many outboundlinks.
Make sure you properly makeup a link so keywords will count, consequent with www. before site.com.
With googles toolbar google is able to count outbound and inbound clicks,
and even a visitors behaviour on your site, as they keep history of that calculating pagerank.
How popular are you?
and compare yourself with competitors:
your competotors pagerank:
estimate your future pagerank:

search for link hubs here: www.linkhounds.com/hub-finder/index.php
fill in the internet adresses for the first 10 searchresults and find out who link to them.

Chart the internet.
Look for central sites in your field of relevance, and try to become a central site.
Find sites that link to your direct competitors, by using googles toolbar`s ´i´ or typing:
link:www.site.com/page.html in google.com/, or in yahoo first type linkdomain: or type www.site.com/ at ilse.nl/ .
Then look how they are linked, with what linktext. Try to get linked by those same sites.
Find sites that have a lot of pagerank on a specific keyword

Add content every day.
Some say updating your texts on your website will make googlebot spider you more and you will gian popularity.
Also for the sake of itterating your way to a good listing, change and add your text often.
In general its strongly recomended to keep your content fresh, keep adding for your audience and searchengines.

Blog your way to the top. Constant feeds of new content make your site interesting,
and other bloggers are willing to generously link to your blog.

Also clickthrough popularity counts, how much your site is clicked in searchengines and how long.
Find out your future pagerank:


